Monday, April 20, 2009

The Eagle Has Landed!

We have arrived in North Carolina!
There are so many things to update, Kam's birthday, our drive across the country, our new home, and how beautiful it is here. But we'll do one thing at a time. So many people have told us that we've arrived at the PERFECT time because the weather is so nice and all of the dogwoods are in bloom. We are so happy to be here. Most people know that Shena (a girl from Grace that I grew up with) lives here. We're in the same ward, she helped us find our apartment-which we love- and she's taken us under her wing and helped us adapt to our new surroundings.
The Good(Sad)byes

Easter egg hunt with the Barthlome cousins

Dinner one last time with my friends from high school

Hanging with our Provo ward friends before we left.

Kamden with his GREAT-grandma. He loves her so much. When we stayed with my parents a few weeks ago, he went and 'covered' her with a blanket.

Kamden, GG, and Paisley

Jeff planned a surprise date for our last night in Provo. He uh, left his outlook calender up on the computer and I saw take Lyndzi to Chef's Table & a movie. Oops Jeffy. What a wonderful husband I have. He planned a surprise date, got a baby-sitter and took me to the Chef's table. It was oh so delicious. We lived about 30 seconds from the nicest restaurant in Utah county and had never gone there. It was certainly a special occasion.

Now for the nitty-gritty. Yes, that is my son. He LOVED the moving truck. Don't go thinking I'm a bad mom. This was at the end of the day and after hours of keeping Kamden away from this, I finally gave in. I was exhausted.

Thanks Andy for showing Kamden how to wipe his 'clean' fingers across his face.

We could not have done it without the Alexander's. They have moved lots (also across the country) and know what it takes to move. We didn't even have to ask for their help. Andy took the day off work and they all came for the day. Jeff and Andy had the bed taken apart (no small feat), couches loaded, the piano, and about 1/2 of our boxes loaded before lunch. When people came that night to help, there wasn't a whole lot left for them to do but we were grateful they came by.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! to everyone that helped pack, clean, and came to say goodbye.

All the girls got to go to Build-A-Bear and helped so much with Kamden.

Rachel, Nate, & Taylor came that night and helped clean the apartment the next day. That was so helpful.

What would we do without our family?

The night before we left, the Johnson's got together to say goodbye.

Kamden has 3 little cousins his age on the Johnson side. I'm so sad to take him away from them but I'm sure they will always be good friends.

Kam & AbbyThe Hunt with the Johnson's

We're really going to miss Sunday dinners with everyone. :(The Departure

So we thought it would be fun to get a pic next to all the state signs. It worked out pretty good except when we were on a bridge or a busy freeway so some of the pics I took while driving by.Kam thought he was so cool sitting up high with us and up front.Yeah, you see the rain? It rained EVERY single day of the 4 day drive.

Missouri State Line

Illionis State Line
We drove right though my mission. It was so fun to reminisce. I served in such a beautiful place.

We wanted to get out, jump for joy, and kiss the ground but you can see the freeway was a little busy.

Jeff, Kam, and Grandpa J. We were so glad he came with us. It was so nice to rotate drivers and have help with Kamden.

Jeff leaving on Thursday morning for his 1st day of work. He has already made some sells and has 2 surgeries on Thursday. I'm so proud of him.

Kamden is such an active little guy. Grandpa kept saying, "You gotta keep your eye on that one. He is so curious." Kam was constantly into his pills and bag. They had such a fun time together. We are so lucky to have John and were so grateful for his help this week. It was sad to see him go.

Our new houseKam loves the warm weather and being out of the car.Yes, that's right. We have traumatized our 2 year old. Now he officially HATES getting into the car seat. Can you blame him? After 4 days of being restrained, I'd hate it too. He did so good on the drive out though.

We love and miss you all! Thanks again for all of the help with our big move to North Carolina!


JethRobyn said...

I'm so glad to see this! I have been waiting to hear that you guys made it out there safely. I hope all is going well for you!

Mary said...

I have been thinking about you. I am so glad that you made it safely across the country. You are one brave woman, traveling with a 2 year old, 7 mo. preggers! We already miss you at work! Keep us post on how you are doing.

Jeff and Aubree Gittins said...

Thanks for the update! So many exciting changes happening. I hope everything works out for you guys, and you make a nice home in NC. It's going to be such a fun adventure. I'm so glad you are finally there and safe.

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

You guys are so cute. Glad you made it safe. Miss you at work!!

The Davis Family said...

Congratulations on making the big move. We've moved a lot, but never across the country (the farthest move was about a 12 hour drive). I can't imagine a four day drive with a two-year old! I can see why he hates his car seat! I hope you love NC!

Bryan and Elissa Johnson said...

Okay- so i get to be the first Johnson to say hi and that we love and miss you. Great to see the pictures and see you guys are happy and well. We love you. Keep in touch. What would we do without facebook and blogspots. So when you guys left on that Saturday I had to go back to Johnsons and made sure you guys were gone. I could not do good-byes again. :( Keep in touch rember to text me too.:)

Nikki said...

So glad you are there and settled in your new place! That was such a good idea to take pictures next to all the signs! I know you will definitely be missed out here but now everyone in your family has a new place to go on vacation! Your little Kamden in getting so big. He looks so cute in all the pictures! Good luck!

Brandon and Jen Jensen said...

Glad you guys made it safely there. That's nice that John could help also! The picture of Kamden on the truck ramp looks A LOT like if he didn't before! Good luck with the new baby and everything!

Andy and Robyn said...

OK - in that picture of Kam alone in front of your new apt. - he looks about 4 years old. He can't have changed that much in two weeks, right!?!

The Brady Bunch said...

Wow Lyndz, I can't believe you guys are gone...I'm glad you guys made it out there safely. I'm so excited for you guys! Love and miss ya!

Lisa said...

Great to see that you made it! Keep us posted and good luck with everything..

Brooks and Andrea said...

I agree with Robyn. Brooks and I were laughing so hard when we sw that picture. He just looks so grown up. We miss you guys already but it sounds like you will make lots of friends. Can't wait to come out and see your place.

Stacy Ellison said...

this post brought back so many memories and maybe a few tears! the decision and prep to move, the goodbyes, the sadness of leaving beloved ones behind, the excitment of the journey to come. Enjoy it!

what fun to be near shena. tell her hello from me!

Tiffany Clay and London said...

WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, I hope you LOVE NC I hope it's a fun adventure. I bet you were SO ready to get out of the car after that long, WOW you're amazing. You got some fun pics along the way though! Good memories. Just an FYI I am going private in about a week so if you want to keep in touch leave me your email address :) Best of luck to you guys over there.