Saturday, September 27, 2008

You Can Do It!

I feel like I've been blabbing about this to practically everyone, but for those of you how have been "less fortunate" and are out of ear shot of my praises, let me get you up to speed.

Jeff and I don't have a lot of debt compared to most. We don't have a house payment yet, our cars are paid off, and our parents scared us away from credit cards at a young age. However, my incredibly intelligent husband has achieved his Bachelor's and Master's degrees, but at a price.

**** The Almighty Student Loan ****

Everybody uses money, there's no way around it. you work for your money or do you make our money WORK FOR YOU? It doesn't matter if you have $10 of debt or $250,000. You don't have to have debt. It's not a fact of life or even "The American Way". With a gentle nudge from my in-laws, for the last 1 1/2 months, we have been reading this book and listening to The Dave Ramsey Show on 570 KNRS (am radio).

I recommend this book to EVERYONE! Or at least listen to the radio or online. It is so simple, even a blonde cheerleader, raised on a farm, from Idaho can do it.

The thing that has helped us the most is the way we've done our budget. We know where EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR is going and we are accountable to each other. We've actually done it without one of us leaving to "cool down". Money and contention don't have to go together after all. After our pinky swear and spit handshake, I think we're in good shape. We love our family and friends and want to share some financial peace.

After reading this, I want to assure you that this is not a paid endorsement. We just finished our October budget and I'm a little pumped up. hehe

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bridal Veil Falls

More family time...Yes. After our little golfing adventure the next week after the BYU game we went up to Bridal Veil Falls. We live in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Kam & Jeff throwing a baseball around.
The Falls
Maybe I should have sqinted in this picture.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Family...isn't it about time?

Single mom? No, just a hard working husband. This summer, Jeff has been doing lawn care after he gets off work at the surgery center. He's been busy, busy, busy. Kamden and I have really missed him. It been a sacrifice for our little family to spend so much time apart but it has made me really appreciate all the he does for Kam and me. So, last week we decided that it was family time. We all know Jeff's 'addiction' to golf but we don't have to understand. We took Kamden to Cascade for some mini-golf. He LOVED the balls. He loved the balls so much that he kept throwing them into the bushes,
and the water holes.
He couldn't figure out where the ball went.
It's over already?

Funny Kid

Kam loves frysauce and ketchup.
My friend Mackenzie and I watch each others little darlings one day a week so we can work. Kamden loves to 'give', even though shove may be a more apporpriate word, Malea her binki and bottle. He was getting a little ticked that she didn't want it right that second.
Headed to church. On Thursday.
Kam pulled the back massager off the chair at Grandma's and got comfy. He even put his feet up on the couch.
He's our little blessing.

Garden of the Gods-Utah County Version

There was an area in my mission called Garden of the Gods. I never served there but I always wanted to go because I heard it was just amazing. Last week I went to The Gardens at Thanksgiving Point and it was beautiful. I guess it's my Utah County version of Garden of the Gods. The pictures don't do this justice. The arbor wrapped around in a semi circle and was surrounded by roses.
There was this happy little boy there and I just couldn't resist snapping a picture or 2, or 3, or 12. (Double click on this picture. He's a blur, running in circles.)
Watching the hungry fish. Kamden says "sh, sh" for fish.
Kamden and his buddy Lincoln feeding the "sh,sh".

"Luck ain't go nothin to do with it!"

So after living in Logan for 4 years, I thought I was obligated to the Aggies forever. That just isn't the case. Jeff bleeds blue and it's getting all over me. The BYU game today was AWESOME! Last week after their win against Washington everyone was blaming the officials because of the 'unsportsman like conduct' on Washington's part. "BYU just got lucky." Well my peeps, just take a little looksy at the scoreboard. 59-0 Again, that's 59-0 I know, I just can't get over it.
At the end of the happy occasion. I love my Jeff.
I love the begining of the game & getting all pumped up.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kamden got new shoes! One Sunday morning after his bath, he brought them to me wanting to wear them. He thought he was pretty cool stuff.
For my 26th b-day, we had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Yummy! We tried to go see Dark Night, it wasn't happening. Finally, after stopping at 3 different theaters we settled on Mama Mia. I think it was a good choice. Jeff always loves a good musical with men dancing in flipperes. It was just his style. Really though, I was happy and it was a fun b-day. Robyn & I have pictures like this from just about every birthday. In our swimming suits with no make-up. Hot, I know. We were at Cherry Hill, camping this year. It's fun to celebrate together cause we're 8 years apart and our b-days are 8 days apart. Kamden discovering what a brain freeze is.
Jeff knows my aversion to whipped cream. So, at The Cheesecake Factory, we got it on the side so as not to spoil our delectable dessert. He had almost forgotten what it looked like, so white, creamy and fluffy. Needless to say, he enjoyed it.

I've given in...I'm a blogger

Well, I finally have a blog up and running. My first post was, oh, about 4 months ago but I never had any pics or anything. Between Andrea, Lisa, and Robyn G. I have succesfully gotten some stuff up here.
Update: Jeff is a Master of Science in Human Services. Pretty impressive huh? I am a Master of um, scrapbooking and maybe blogging soon. Kam well, he is the Master of the House. We seem to work out pretty well together and are all so blessed to have each other. Through our blog, you'll get to know us better and us you. Lucky us:) God speed!

Summer Fun

American Idol Concert