Thursday, April 15, 2010

How can this be? My baby is 3!

Kamden loves snakes, monkeys, lizards, caterpillars...wait, I can make a caterpillar, let's go with that.
Kamden's birthday was a few weeks ago but I've been a little slow on the blogging.
We celebrated in Idaho with my family and then again when we got back home with Jeff.

This kid...he's one of a kind. He brings so much happiness to our family and I'm so glad he's mine. He is so happy and brings out joy in others. He loves unconditionally and doesn't hold back anything. Whether good, bad, loud, sweet, or naughty. When he wanders into my room every morning between 6:30 or 7:00, I pretend that I am still asleep but it doesn't last long. How can I not smile when I hear his sweet little voice say, "Morning Mommy, where daddy went?" Jeff is usually in the shower and Kam then ventures over to him and shares the same morning greeting.
Throughout the day, I ask Kam questions and he asks me questions. Here are some of the conversations.
(All of his responses are !!! shouted.)
Me: What's your favorite color?
Kam: Yellow! No, green! No, purple! Colors!
Me: What's your favorite animal?
Kam: Snake, monkey, tiger! All aminals!
Me: How old are you?
Kam: Me three!
Kam: Hey, where Mac went?
Me: He's napping.
Kam: Oh, k Mom.
He is always some kind of animal and assigns everyone else around some sort of animal. "Me monkey, you tiger, daddy lion, Mac lizard!"
Whenever I ask him to do something and he's willing, his response is always, "Alright, k mom."
His favorite foods are:
Chocolate ANYTHING
Chocolate Milk
BBQ Chicken
San-jich a.k.a. meat and cheese sandwich
anything else is a gamble
A big ole elephant is a fun thing unless you have to take it home on a plane in your carry on diaper bag. I'll rethink that move next time but Kam loves it.
He LOVES his scooter. Helmet too I might add. I thought that part was going to be a challenge but he likes to wear it too.
He's getting so fast on this thing.

He would NOT hold still for the picture and this was the best one I could get.
Know fact: It's pretty much impossible to get a good picture of a 3 year old.
How sweet is this?

Now that his birthday has come and gone, everything is a cake with a candle. He shouts, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Blow candle."

I love you Kamo.


Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

I can't believe he is 3!! Were does time go. Happy birthday Kam!

Bryan and Elissa Johnson said...

We love Kamo!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!! Wish we could see you to celebrate!!!!!

Trinette Hayslip said...

His response to the animal question is funny...he apparently likes Kung Fu Panda...snake, monkey, tiger!

Jeff and Aubree Gittins said...

Oh, what a cutie pie! He's such a fun, good kid. I wish I could see him (and you) more often. The cake is so cute! Happy birthday Kamo!

Mary said...

Happy Birthday Kam!!! I love the cupcakes, I may have to copy that idea, because Jack is already talking about having a snake party in August!

The Brady Bunch said...

Lyndzi, we've got to figure out a way to stop these kids from growing up! I LOVE the cake/cupcakes!!!!

April and JJ said...

Very cute cake, or cupcakes. How fun! He's a cutie for sure!