Thursday, April 8, 2010

Part Two...Idaho

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sure some of you gave up on the idea that part 2 was coming. it is.
Leaving was:
Happy-we got to see Jeff
Sad-we had to leave family
Stressful-flying/traveling with kids isn't pretty
So, we've been home for a week and it's been nice to get back into the swing of things.
Barthlome Cousins

This is at the Grace park.
Can I just say BURRRRRRRRRR!
We lasted for about 5 minutes...maybe.Well, in the previous post, you can see that McKay mastered the 'all-fours' crawling stance.
He literally dived into mastering the stairs.
He went down the stairs about 3 times this way and each time was equally hilarious.

Mac & Papa
My mom got cute little matchy-matchy outfits for the 'little boys'.
McKay-9 1/2 months
Raife-8 months
Cole-4 months
They are all pretty much the same size too!
Poor Raife
For his sake, I hope this isn't a preview into the future.
Mac was pleased as punch to have a crawling buddy.

I love love love this picture.
When my dad walked in the door, Kamden and Paisley ran over to him yelling, "Papa! Papa!"
It warms my heart now just thinking about it.
They miss each other already.
K, this picture was taken when we had been at Robyn and Andy's for about 15 minutes.
I don't want to say that Paisley is a bad influence but...
her fetish with dress-ups is borderline addiction.
Kamden was just happy to be in on the action.

We all had such a good time. We are so blessed to have 2 such amazing families to go and visit. Thank you for taking care of us and for all the fun.

We love you all, miss you already, and can't wait to see you again!


The Brady Bunch said...

Leila LOVES dress-ups. And Jack has jumped on that band wagon!!

Jeff and Aubree Gittins said...

Oh my goodness you have some great pictures! I love the picture of Mac going down the stairs and all the babies together. Mac is just about as cute as they get! I also really like Kam playing dress up. I'm sure his future wife will really get a kick of it too. It was so fun to see you!

balesfamily said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I love the pic of them kissing Grandpa.

becca said...

ok, that's the second pair of exact pj's that eli has- monsters and dinosaurs. eli was really excited about it.