Friday, February 5, 2010

The Honking Of The Geese

The other day I heard the geese honking so loud. I went to the window to see if one was trying to get inside, out of the cold or something, looked up in the sky and this is what I saw.

That is only a section of the sky. I wish I could have captured the entire thing.

I don't know what it is about this little area but we are surrounded by these things!

At least once a day we can tell the geese are moving because the honking is so loud.
Kam will run to the window while shouting, "GEESE! GEESE!"
He loves them. Especially the 6 white ones that don't fly.

and Brooks didn't believe me...


Coombs Family said...

Wow, that's a lot o' birds! I bet they are so LOUD! Glad Kam is getting a kick out of watching them.

The Brady Bunch said...

Did you ever see The Birds???

Jeff and Aubree Gittins said...

That is crazy! We will get a lot of geese around our house too because of the golf course! They love to spend time there. I don't think there have been that many though! They can get loud, huh.

ajandersonguy said...

Wowee! Dats lota birds! I hope you're doing well! I miss you tons!