Thursday, March 4, 2010

headache...and a super invention

So on Tuesday and Wednesday, I was SO SICK!
I don't remember the last time I felt that crappy.
My head hurt so bad, I was considering labeling it as a migraine. It hurt on my temples and my neck.
The right side of my back hurt like none other. I had to lay on my side, propped up.
To top it off, I had this really sharp pain in the right side of my chest so deep breathes really hurt.
To sum it all up, I was falling apart.
Mac is still teething and wants to be held constantly so he was happy to just lay by me but Kamden...he was beside himself with boredom. I tried to explain to him that I was sick and that I had a really bad headache so I needed to lay down. However, he just wasn't getting it cause he kept saying, "Mom, get up!" I told him to go downstairs and get his bag of library books. When he couldn't get them up the stairs, he just stood at the bottom repeating over and over "heaby, heaby books". Slowly, I got up and helped him. He did pretty good to sit by me and read his books. But, with any boy who's almost 3, the boredom returns quickly.
I was getting desperate so I got my cell phone and we started looking through my pictures. I didn't realize just how many pics I have of my boys sleeping until we started looking through them. Every time one that had them asleep, Kam would say, "Oh, headache." Funny kid.
Mom's shouldn't EVER be allowed to be sick but Kam and Mac were pretty good company.
Not that great though cause I had to call Jeff to see if he could come home a little early.
Now, the super invention...rice packs. If you don't have one, make one. It's a square or rectangle bag made of simple fabric filled with rice. You can put them in a ziplock in the freezer for a cold pack or in the microwave for a heat pack. That was all that would help my back. Oh and Midol and IBUprofen.
Today, I feel like a NEW woman. My headache is gone, my back feels fine, I can take all the deep breathes I want. The cause of all this ridiculous pain? I think I pulled a muscle in my back. I guess that's my lesson learned, no working out.
Seriously though, I am so thankful for my health. I don't know how people who suffer from chronic pain handle it day to day. I have a friend with fibromyalgia and I just kept thinking about her and the pain she deals with daily.
Happier posts to come.


Brandon and Jen Jensen said...

I'm so glad you are better. I love those packs. I have had lots of headaches being pregnant and I won't take anything so I just suffer through with a pack. They are great. It really does make you appreciate your health doesn't it?!

Chapman Channel said...

I'm sorry you were sick--I wish I could have helped you!

Bryan and Elissa Johnson said...

I made euight of those packs last weekend. The kids love them and so do I. I just used a bunch of scrap material.(All the kids picked their own) And I busted out a case of wheat. (I bought 15 cases of wheat, and guess what..... no grinder) So I figured that using one would not hurt.:) We love them. Miss you guys!

Platt Lucky 7 said...

It is so hard being sick AND still have to take care of little ones. Too bad we can't take a sick day!!!