Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Fun Ship-Day 3-Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman

Turtle Farm at Boatswain's Beach
There were pools and pools full of turtles. You could pick them up and hold them, then put them back into the water.  It was even more awesome than it looks!
Brooks holding a turtle.
 Jeff LOVES turtles and it just so happens that his arm is in everyone elses pictures too, trying to touch a turtle. :)
of Brooks holding a baby turtle. I love the flapping arms.
(He didn't know I was videoing, that's why he walks away at the end.)
I finally got brave enough to pic up a big one.
Our ship. We had to tender into Grand Cayman and I thought this was a pretty good shot of the boat.
Watching the comedy shows was definitely one of our favorite things to do.
We had 'our couch' and it was perfect for 10!

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