Saturday, September 27, 2008

You Can Do It!

I feel like I've been blabbing about this to practically everyone, but for those of you how have been "less fortunate" and are out of ear shot of my praises, let me get you up to speed.

Jeff and I don't have a lot of debt compared to most. We don't have a house payment yet, our cars are paid off, and our parents scared us away from credit cards at a young age. However, my incredibly intelligent husband has achieved his Bachelor's and Master's degrees, but at a price.

**** The Almighty Student Loan ****

Everybody uses money, there's no way around it. you work for your money or do you make our money WORK FOR YOU? It doesn't matter if you have $10 of debt or $250,000. You don't have to have debt. It's not a fact of life or even "The American Way". With a gentle nudge from my in-laws, for the last 1 1/2 months, we have been reading this book and listening to The Dave Ramsey Show on 570 KNRS (am radio).

I recommend this book to EVERYONE! Or at least listen to the radio or online. It is so simple, even a blonde cheerleader, raised on a farm, from Idaho can do it.

The thing that has helped us the most is the way we've done our budget. We know where EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR is going and we are accountable to each other. We've actually done it without one of us leaving to "cool down". Money and contention don't have to go together after all. After our pinky swear and spit handshake, I think we're in good shape. We love our family and friends and want to share some financial peace.

After reading this, I want to assure you that this is not a paid endorsement. We just finished our October budget and I'm a little pumped up. hehe


Unknown said...

WE LOVE DAVE RAMSEY!! How come we've never had this conversation before? We've been listening to him for years, but just recently sat down and followed his budget suggestions...they are wonderful.

Anyways, next topic for our "early" morning walk: Dave Ramsey!

The Fuchs' said...

Hey! We love Dave Ramsey in this house! I dont exactly follow what he says, but I am trying! Congrats to you!

Nikki said...

I've never heard of the guy! Thanks for doing your part and sharing your testimony! (hee hee) I will have to check this guy and his book out and do some investigating!

Coombs Family said...

Cameron and I too had an epiphany (sp?) and have set up our monthly budget so that we know exactly where all of our dollars are going. Why didn't we think of it sooner, could have saved some headaches! Anyhoo! 13 Nights of Halloween will be magical spooky-ness! And I think doing something spooky at the Johnson household will be right up the terrifying scream-filled thrill streat that we're looking for! :O I have lots of ideas so I will call you about them! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-Mwah!! ha!ha!

sharonspot said...

I guess I will have to give his book a look--

Lisa said...

Way to go Jeff and Lynz- let's see if we can all keep it up:)

Mosers said...

I haven't read it but I understand you on the credit card issue we stay clear of them. I am so glad I found your blog! Send me your e-mail address and I'll send you an invite to our....

Tiffany Clay and London said...

I just found your blog!!! I can't get over how cute your little boy is, he is adorable. You have the cutest little family.

Erin and Spencer said...

Hello! I was reading old comments on our blog and found that you guys had left one! How are you doing? I added you onto our link list, hope that's okay! :) I am going to have to read this book, I worry about finances all the time!

Mrs. Dickson said...

Ok so I was stuck in the byu bookstore for 3 hours for a book signing john wanted me to go to, and I found this book you blogged about, so I bought it and we've started looking at it. Actually I had heard about it from member in my mission. So you should be proud, your shameless endorsement worked! Take care, email some time!