Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Lion's Den...No, seriously

We'd been looking forward to going to the BYU vs. USU game for a really long time. My sister Rachel and her husband Jon had some extra tickets right next to them. The only problem, they were tickets held by other Aggie season ticket holders . Don't get me wrong, they were awesome seats - 50 yard line, 3rd row. We knew going into it that we were taking our lives into our own hands. (Literally) Before the game, Jon warned us that heckling would be a bad idea. We did however think it was okay to wear our BYU attire. (I took a neutral-navy hoodie just incase:).)You should have heard those Aggie fans. Talk about ridiculous. They heckled those poor BYU boys the entire game. Even though BYU killed the Aggies by 20 points, the Aggie fans proudly chanted "OVER-RATED"because BYU was currently ranked #7 and USU was #117. BYU didn't play their best, no doubt about that but I think my favorite heckle of the night was when the fans around us started saying, "The Lord has forsaken you."

We were happy to be there...
but sad we couldn't cheer for BYU.
Bronco Mendenhall
He's a great guy and a good example for his team. He never looks at the crowd and I don't think it's cause he's scared.


Brandon and Jen Jensen said...

Great seats...with questionable surroundings! My sis-in-law and her hubby were in Ute box seats(their family owns a car dealership and they get all kinds of different tickets)during the "Caught for the Touchdown" game. They actually had to leave the room away from the Utah fans so they could go out in the hall and rejoice! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

Meg said...

I was excited when I happened upon your blog. Your family is so cute!!

The Wuehler Wireless said...

Don't you love it when the crowd brings the Lord into it! Priceless

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

That was a crazy game!! And isn't strawberry jam the best. We make it with the girls in my family every other year and I love it!!

Barry and Camille said...

Glad you guys took it easy on those poor Aggie fans. :-) And that you made it out alive. Good thing both color were blue.