Friday, October 10, 2008

What would you do?

I took Kamden to the library this morning for Book Babies and thought that I would take his blanket just this once because he loves it so much and it helps him sit still. We had a few places to go and I thought it harmless to bring his little "B" along. Now, to help you understand just how much he loves this blanket, first, his G.G. made it for him. Second, he carries it around on his shoulder. Third, he tucks it under him when he sleeps. And fourth, he calls it his "B".We couldn't get him to sit still for the picture because someone was holding his "B". That's what he's looking at. He has so happy to have it that he was throwing it up and down.
So, you get that he loves it. Well, we went to Kohl's, then Target, then to lunch. When I was putting him in his car seat after lunch, I realized that I didn't have his blanket. I just about FREAKED! I traced back in my mind where I had been this morning. I KNOW that I had it in Kohl's but I was closer to Target so I went there first. I checked the desk at Target, no "B". I ran to Macey's to get something from my bro-in-law, then went back to Target and retraced all of my steps. Then, I went to Kohl's and asked at the desk, no "B". So, I went to where we ate lunch, even though I know I didn't take it in the resturant. Then I went back to Kohl's because maybe, just maybe it was behind a cashiers counter and hadn't been taken back to the Lost & Found yet. Still, no "B". I opened the trunk 3 times and the stroller twice, and have been to Kohl's & Target 3 times, AHHHH! I can't find it. I seriously think I might cry. Right now, he's in his crib trying to go to sleep and saying "B, B, B, B".
Now mommies, if you were walking in a store or a parking lot and saw a little blanket, what would you do? Pick it up? Leave it there? Throw it away? Set it on top of a rack of clothes? Turn it into the lost & found? or what? I don't know what to do. Help me.


Brandon and Jen Jensen said...

Do you have a blanket that resembles the "B" at all? Try that and in the mean time, I would keep checking back with those places-preferably go in maybe later tonight and look yourself. That is so hard! Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh....I'm so sorry!!!! I understand the whole attached to the blankey thing...I think if I would have found it, I would have taken it to the front of the store. Good Luck, I will say a little prayer for you!

Landon, Dana and Julien said...

Oh no that is horrible! Julien is not attached to a blanket but he is addicted to his pacifier. We lost it one night on a walk and I freaked out! How sad that he is crying for his B in his bed...i am sorry, I think it is harder on the mom than it is on him. I am sure you will find it...if not let me know, Julien has the same blanket, we could ship it if you need it :)

Coombs Family said...

Awe, poor guy. None of my babes are attatched to blankets, thank goodness! ;p However, Miss Bethie was attatched to this kitty that had a rattle in it. She lost it! We looked high and we looked low, but we never did find that kitty! She was soo sad so what we did is took her to Target, and let her look at all of the stuffed animals. We let her pick out a new friend to take home and snuggle. She chose a puppy! So maybe you could try that w/ Kamden, I know that Walmart has got some adorable fleese blankies that are around $4.00. The arent' too big and are a good size for snuggling up w/ and they fit great in a diaper bag. Good Luck!

Mary said...

always have aback up blanket. Jack has two "nannies". One for travel, and one that stays in the house. its helpful for when we leave on at my moms or one needs to be washed. I know that is no help now, but for the future.

Jeff and Aubree Gittins said...

I honestly have no advice, but I just think that's so sad. He is so adorable in all of the pictures with it.

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

That is so sad for kamden! It is the worst loosing something and can't find it. But Kamdens "B" that stinks!

The Brady Bunch said...

Saddest story ever! If I found it, I would take it to the Lost and Found. I hope it all works out...poor Kam.

April and JJ said...

I was waiting for the happy ending! That's heart breaking! When I read about him saying B B B, I almost cried! I hope you find it. You know, sometimes with things like this, the child actually will survive, but it's the momma that takes a bigger beating. :) Good luck!

sharonspot said...

Wow, that's a tough one. I can relate--all of my kids have had a favorite something,and we lost a few along the way. Hope you find it!

Ben said...

Hey dude- I'm with mary; you need a spare.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that we have a new blog address, it just made things more organized for me. It is Just wanted to let you know!!

Thanks Ben and Amber Sessions

Hey did you ever find the blankey???? I hope so!