Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Fun Ship-Day 7 Fun Day At Sea

Ah, last day on the boat.  Supposed to be relaxing, right?  Not really.
We were all hanging out on the deck and Jeff and I decided to go sit in the hot tub.
(It was SO windy up on the deck.)
One of the "Fun Directors" started asking for volunteers.  He looked directly at the hot tubs.  Like people sitting in there wanted out and to go stand in the wind or something.  Well, Jeff and I were trying our darndest to go unnoticed.  So much so that the "Fun Director" noticed our aversion to making eye contact with him pointed out the couple that was avoiding him. He got us!  We unwillingly volunteer to be part of the show. So, being the kind, nice, let's-include-everyone-that-we-can people that we are, we felt that we needed to involve Andy(my bro-in-law), who was also just chillin in the hot tub.
5 men vs. 5 women
Sycronized Swimming
We've got this. Right ladies.
Well, he sends us ladies down a level to work out a routine.  About 10 minutes later he comes down to watch what we have and tell us we are going to blow the guys out of the water.  Oh, and to remember, our music is going to be VERY SLOW.
Like I said, we've got this.
Well, we did our routine.  I would have given it a 5 out of 10.
Not very good.

The Men...
My thoughts as I'm watching the men.
"K, they are looking really good."
"How did they come up with that?"
"I didn't know Jeff could move like that."
"That's a little close if you ask me."
Getting ready for the finale.
Andy Ala Grand
Yes, they killed us.  10 out of 10!
The crowd went wild!
Little did we know, it was RIGGED!
They taught the guys their routine! What?!
Well, they did do a pretty good job.  Any group of men that will rally together, spin in cirlces, prance, and lift another man in the air should win something.
Our last night with our awesome waiters, Wika and Gusti.
Brooks's birthday.
Every night by dad and Brooks ordered the chocolate molten cake.  They would scrape their dish clean and then finish off anybody else's. 
They weren't leaving that table until they finished!
Everyone outside of their rooms our last morning.
Our room.
It was one of my favorite vacations EVER.  I can't wait to go on another cruise.
I loved spending so much time with Jeff and my family.  We had such a great time and made such fun memories.
Thanks again family!
Love you all.


The Brady Bunch said...

What a fun thing to do as a family! I've LOVED the pictures! I've gotta get on a cruise one of these days.

sharonspot said...

OK Jealous does not even begin to describe what I feel when I see these pictures! Looks so fun.

Jessica said...

How fun! Elaborate on the aquatics, you performed in front of the whole ship for fun or everyone was in on this as part of the cruise ship activities? Looks like it was a blast either way!

Jessica said...

Okay I just reread your post and answered my own question! Still I love that you performed in a swimsuit in front of a whole cruise ship! That is AWESOME! Who watched the boys for 7 days?