Friday, April 8, 2011

*Super Saturday*

Super Saturday
Our ward hasn't had a Super Saturday in at least 4 years. We decided it was time.
It was so much planning, so much fun, and I'm so glad it's over.

The prep took weeks but the "fun" started on Friday night.
We divided the 96 hour kits into individual bags for each person.
 Makenna divided the pictures for the family name boards.
 The day finally had arrived.
We were celebrating the birthday of the Relief Society.
I wanted the sisters to leave feeling like they had a good time but were also spiritually lifted.
We had a sister come and speak to us about Women of The Restoration.
Then the crafting began.

Making the quiet books.
 Making the Family Name Boards
I asked Kacey to teach us how to make granola and pita bread.
Of course she did AWESOME!  Since we couldn't use the oven in the kitchen to cook the pita bread, she made the cutest video.
She put so much time into this and it was so fun.

Kacey and her awesome granola making skills.
 Monica, Makenna and I had so much fun planning this activity.
I never realized just how much went into these things. 
You never do until you've done it. Then even after, we seem to forget.
The planning committee has dwindled over time as girls seem to move away but there were so many sisters that were willing to help. Even those that helped clean up afterwards were a lifesaver.
The Finished Products

Family Name Board
Letter pictures taken from architecture around the SLC Temple.
 Glass Etching

 ABC Quiet Book
 96 Hour Emergency Kit  


The Walker's said...

What a fun time! I wish I was in your ward :) Would you be willing to tell me what kinds of things you guys put in the 96 hour kits? Like do you have a list with how much you put in for each person? I would love to get it if you don't mind!

Lyndzi said...

If you look on my FB account I made a Super Saturday photo album. On there is a close up picture of the menu that is inside. :)

Alice said...

Tell me more about your quiet books? They are super cute.

Jessica said...

Awesome possum! Looks like so much fun! You are just having a blast in your own world away from family and the norm! At least you have an old navy near by so you don't feel too isolated (from normal surroundings)! :)

Mrs. Dickson said...

Hey Lindzi! I know it's been forever. First of all, you look amazing, so pretty as always and especially after two kids. Your super saturday looked so fun and I wish I had been there. Your cruise looks amazing!! I would say I'm jealous but we just got back from the caribbean ourselves, I'll blog it in a month or so. We haven't told John's parents we went (long story), AND LASTLY, I REALLY WANT TO TELL YOU WE ARE HAVING OUR FIRST BABY IN DECEMBER!! Yay, after trying for 3 years, it will be here. So anyway, email me or call me if you still have my number (I don't want to put it here) and we'll chat! Still love you like a sister!

Krystell said...

That is sooooo cute!! I absolutely love all of it...especially the name board...I might have to try it out...

Krystell said...

Hey!! So...I was just curious if by chance you had the file for those pictures? We have the same last name and we were married in the SLC temple so I would LOVE to download them. If you can, send it to If you can't that's fine...I will just have to be creative. Thanks!!

Betsy Brock said...

I'm so glad you found my I could find yours! What a beautiful family..and look at you, gorgeous! :) Clicked on 'follow' so I won't loose you!


Rachel said...

Help! I'm on the committee in our ward and I really want to do the Quiet books. Do you have a file or pictures of all of the pages or anything? Please...
