Monday, November 30, 2009 this is what I've been doing.

I know, I know, I really should be packing.
BUT...I found this scarf idea on a blog and couldn't get it off my mind.
It only took about 15-20 minutes so I figured I was okay.
Jeff LOVES this shirt. I'm not exactly sure why but he doesn't wear it very often. Every time he wears it I feel like we've traveled back to 2000.
However... there are 2 good things about this shirt:
-It's super soft.
-It makes a really cute scarf.
As soon as I saw this idea, I knew the shirt I wanted to use. Surprisingly, Jeff was more than happy/willing to let me dice it up and now we both love it. (I think I like it more now than him though. hehe)
I think I'm going to add to it. I only used the front of the shirt and once we get settled, I'll cut up the back and double it.
CHRISTmas for Kamden
It's a bean bag chair in the pattern of a baseball.
It looks flat because it is. :) I'm going to stuff it AFTER we move.
I made a minky blanket for Mac. He loves to suck his thumb and cuddle up with a blanket. Hopefully this can help replace the thumb. We'll see.


The Brady Bunch said...

The scarf is SO cute!!!! I love the bean bag and blanket too. You're so crafty!!

Jeff and Aubree Gittins said...

Lynz, you are sooo talented! Way to use that sewing machine!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are one gorgeous scarf model! I want a minky blanket me myself. soft

Trinette Hayslip said...

So, I don't know if you will see this comment, but I made that EXACT same scarf. Here is the link to mine: