Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Part 4- More Idaho

I love Kam's glasses in this picture. What a nut.
Playing with Hinkley, Paisley & Averee.
Unfortunately, in Grace & Spanish Fork, it was very cold and windy while we were there.
We thought outside the box and took the kids bowling. It was a HIT!
The pictures of it where blurry but McKay would not let me help him with his 6 lb bowling ball!  (refer to previous post~ Mr. Independent)
He HAD to be the one to take it off the stand AND carry it to up to roll is down the aisle.

Mac, Raife and Hinkley

Just chillin at GG's

Haircuts from Toni.
I usually cut my boys hair but it's always nice to leave it to the experts every now and then.
Mac did pretty good for his first 'professional' haircut. He even sat still with a little bribery of gum.

This picture cracks me up. They all climbed up for the picture and Kamden put his arm around Mac.
"Oh, so cute. What a nice brother." 
Paisley saw/heard this and grabbed Cole around the neck for the same effect.
 It was pretty funny.

To say my mom loves lady bugs is an understatement.
Like, she seriously loves these bugs.
I saw this pattern at JoAnn's and thought I'd make an attempt at following it.
I ALWAYS ask my mom lots of questions on whatever sewing project I'm doing so needless to say, there are a few mistakes. But...it's finished. That's always a good sign.
Now cause I think I'm so funny...this is how I gave it to her.

Me, walking into the kitchen where my mom is.
me: Mom! There is a huge bug on your bed. I can't kill it. I can't do it. Go look at it. It's HUGE!
Mom, stomping from the kitchen to her bedroom.
mom: Oh. Somebody probably left the door open. I just can't keep them out.

It was so hilarious. I'm sure I didn't do the story justice but we had a good laugh.

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